miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2014


In most of the cases some cultures assimilate customs of other cultures. So, it's not wrong to imitate another culture because it suits yourself. Thai gangsters have adopted the way of dress of mexican gangs because for them this style represents their way of life. On the other hand, mexican gangsters could consider this offensive, I mean, mexican gangsters surely would be disagree about it. so, since  thai gangsters are not aggressive, a confrontation with mexican gangsters would be fatal.  I agree about adopting another culture as yours but you should care about what you are going to imitate, some people consider rude the fact of another culture imitating their culture.

jueves, 2 de octubre de 2014

Racism against afrocolombians

It is not weird to hear cases of discrimination here in colombia. Most of the cases it involves afro-colombians. It is not good to see how people abuse of these persons because of their color. fortunately, now exist many groups trying to eradicate this behavior. Nevertheless, discrimination is present in the daily journey; simple things like  avoiding sitting next to these persons on a bus, Not allowing then to pass by in some places or even using some nicknames could be really offensive and all of them contributes to reinforce discrimination against afro-colombians. The only way to stop this situation is by changing our minds in order to be tolerant and respectful with these people. They are humans as us, so they deserve to have the same opportunities. It is not acceptable left them apart because of their skin color.

miércoles, 17 de septiembre de 2014

Introduction Post

Hi! I'm Sergio Salazar, an mechanical engineering student. I'm from Cartagena but now I'm living in Barranquilla because of my studies. I love metal music, also rock. Pizza is my favorite food at least it has onions; I hate onions and most of the vegetables. I spend most of my free time playing video games or reading; it is relaxing to me.